You're in first class company. Trusted by 65,000 customers worldwide.
Your customers aren't opening your emails
Direct mail is a proven method to communicate with your customers. Are you missing out on revenue?
Stannp's unbeatable results
Stannp customer funnel
Current customer reality
Direct To Consumer marketers love direct mail:

Use direct mail as a physical extension of your brand.
It has a 99% open rate (the dog chews 1%)
Low Cost
You can achieve CPC as low as 49p.
Don't leave this great tactic out of the mix!
Direct mail is "real"
As a DTC brand you need to be increasingly creative about the way you reach customers. Digital marketing is getting more expensive and less effective. Direct mail is the perfect way to connect with your customers - reaching them where they're at!
Make your customers feel special!
75% of millennials say that direct mail makes them feel special. With's open API you can take targeting the message one step further, placing personalized products, offers, and messages on every postcard you send! Is there a better way to request a review?
How do I know if it's working?
With you can track every item from creation in our platform to arrival at your customer's address. You can track every click and conversion in our dashboard, or we can pass that information via webhook into your CRM. It's that simple to track, measure performance, and calculate ROI!
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